This App Will Teach Your Kids to Meditate— Here’s Why They Need It

Kate Kirby

September 11, 2018


There are dozens of guided meditation apps available to help you relax, focus, and put away the cares of the day, but what about your kids? Well, now there’s an app for that too!

INSCAPE—the modern wellness platform and app designed to you change your mind through the practice of meditation—just launched their first-ever kid-centered meditation and breathing program just in time for the start of the new school year.

The new app content is divided by age group to meet the developmental needs of each set. Meditation and breathing exercises are curated for kids ages 3-5 years, 6-8 years, 9-12 years, and teens into college. Here’s how the content breaks down to help each category of Minis:

Ages 3-5

Every parent knows that little ones have a short range of focus. Content for this age group ranges from 4 to 7 minutes long and focuses on sensory “‘touch and feel” moments and interactive exercises that teach children to silence external cues that distract them.

Ages 6-8

These 7 to 9 minute meditations tap into growing children’s newly-developed ability to concentrate. The sessions for this age group encourage a deeper level of focus and understanding than before and aid young ones in creating a foundation for engagement and stillness.

Ages 9-12

Middle school-bound students possess a greater level of comprehension and begin to become more autonomous. INSCAPE has developed 10-minute sessions including self-relaxation techniques for stressful situations and rhythmic breathing that helps children navigate nerves and anxiety.

Ages 13-19

Young adults face a myriad of complex new issues unbeknownst to them in their early years, in addition to mood swings and swirling emotions. From dating woes to feeling at home in your own skin, INSCAPE’s advanced 20-minute meditations help teenagers begin to apply mindfulness not just internally, but also externally in the way they interact with others. Themes include: Mind Body Chill, Stress Detox, Anxiety Pill, That Loving Feeling and more.

Do you use a meditation app? Tell us below!

You’ll also want to read How to Simplify Your Morning Routine with Kids or 5 Things You Can Do to Get Better Sleep at Night.

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