Holiday Gift Guide: 20 Gifts for Baby

Kate Kirby

December 5, 2019


Holiday shopping can be so much fun when you have little ones on your list! Whether these babies have yet to be born or you’re wrapping up gifts for baby’s first Christmas, Hanukkah, you name it, these holiday gifts for baby are perfect for any Mini in your bunch!

We compiled our favorite holiday gifts for baby from must-have brands like Doddle & Co, Fridababy, Baby Bjorn, Happiest Baby, Petite Plume and more, to come up with this selection for you to choose from— ideal for babies from birth to several months old!


Gifts for Babies

  1. On the Go Teething Ring, Nordstrom
  2. Coconut Water Teether, The Tot
  3. SNOO Smart Sleeper, Happiest Baby
  4. Baby’s First Year Book of Firsts, Maisonette
  5. Baby Bjorn Bouncer Bliss, Baby Bjorn
  6. Faux Shearling Slippers, H&M
  7. Doddle & Co Pop Pacifier, Amazon
  8. Three Pears Bobbin Triple Play Center, The Tot
  9. Knit Sweater and Pants Set, H&M
  10. Wool Hat with Pom Poms, H&M
  11. DermaFrida Skin Soother Silicone Bath Brush, Fridababy
  12. Super Softy Body Lotion, Gro-To Skincare
  13. Sud Bud Bubble Bath, Gro-To Skincare
  14. Charlie Crane Levo Baby Bouncer, Smallable
  15. EZPZ First Foods Set, EZPZ
  16. Hazel Village Phoebe Fawn & Berry Swaddle Set, Maisonette
  17. Solly Baby Sleeper in Natural & Grey Stripe, Solly Baby
  18. Petite Plume Red Flannel Romper, The Tot
  19. Loulou Lollipop Los Angeles Muslin Quilt, Bed, Bath & Beyond
  20. Loulou Lollipop New York City Bamboo Swaddle, The Tot
  21. Bebe Au Lait Wooden Star and Moon Teether, Maisonette

Opening Gift Guide Image: Gretchen Easton

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