One simple step to feeling put together? Spritz on a splash of your signature scent! These mists do more than just intrigue anyone in your presence— their beautiful bottles double as jewelry for your shelves in chic little vignettes.
And if you’ve been searching for a new fragrance, why not consult a few of the world’s most stylish tastemakers? We’ve rounded up six go-to perfumes these celebrity moms were happy to share with us!
Keep scrolling to browse these 6 celebrity perfumes these moms wear every day!
Sarah Michelle Gellar: “Serge Lutens,” the actress told Mini. Serge Lutens ($135)
Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece: “Amazing Grace by Philosophy,” the childrenswear designer told Mini. Amazing Grace ($18)
Marissa Hermer: “I mix between Chanel Gardenia and Kai, which reminds me of my California teen years,” the Ladies of London star told Mini. Chanel Gardenia ($240)
Chriselle Lim: “AERIN Amber Musk,” the blogger revealed to Mini. AERIN Amber Musk ($110)
Eva Amurri Martino: “Loukhoum by Keiko Mecheri,” the actress and blogger told Mini. Keiko Mecheri Loukhoum ($165)
Jodie Snyder Morel: “Blanc de Courrèges,” the DANNIJO co-founder told Mini. Blanc De Courreges ($32)
What is your signature scent? Tell us in the comments below!
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