15 Step Baby Proofing Checklist for New Parents

Kate Kirby

December 14, 2024

It’s time to get started on your “homeland security.”


Once you’ve brought home a new baby, you may begin to think about all of the safety precautions you need to take to keep your little one safe and so the rush ensues to turn your home into the ultimate child-proof paradise. Enter this helpful baby proofing checklist to make sure you’ve covered all of your bases and can rest assured that your home is ready for your little one to explore without worry.

We turned to Chris Pegula, author of DIAPER DUDE: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Years, for a few ways to get started in what he’s dubbed “homeland security.” Keep scrolling for your quick baby proofing checklist with 15 helpful steps.


Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Years

Look Outside

Install layers of protection over pools and spas. Ideally, you want a barrier completely surrounding the pool, including a 4-foot tall fence with self-closing, self-latching gates. 

Grab a Gate

Use safety gates to help prevent kids from falling down stairs or entering certain rooms.

Soften Landings

While a baby safety gate can certainly help prevent any falls down stairs, you can take baby proofing stairs a step further by adding a stair runner or carpeting your stairs. If you have an open staircase, you can install a riser bar that can slot into the design of the riser gap to keep little ones from accessing the gaps.

Cook Smarter

In the kitchen, it’s wise to remember to cook on back burners, keeping little fingers away from any hot surfaces. Be sure to unplug any small appliances when not in use (like a toaster or coffee pot) and install knob covers on your stove.

Be User-Friendly

Doorknob covers and door locks help keep children away from places with hazards, but make sure they allow the doors to be opened quickly by an adult in case of emergency.

Keep It Steady

Apply anchors so furniture and appliances won’t fall over, especially if you live in common earthquake areas.

Double Check Decor

In your living room, move any tall, unsteady lamps behind furniture and mount your flat screen TVs to the wall. If you have a non-mountable TV, you will want to secure it with a strap or anchor and push it as close to the wall as possible.

Stay Cool

Install anti-scald devices for faucets and shower heads. You’ll also want to install bathtub knob and faucet covers to protect from any falls or bumps during bath time.

Store Away

Move medications out of reach, place on a high shelf, or in a closet with a lock. While you’re at it, move any laundry detergents, bleach, and other cleaning liquids into a locked cupboard.

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Check Alarms

Make sure you have smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside each bedroom, and outside sleeping areas. Change the batteries at least once a year and check them once a month. Use carbon monoxide alarms too.

Stand Guard

Window screens are not strong enough to stop a falling kid. Use window guards and safety netting to help prevent falls from windows, balconies, decks, and landings. Make sure at least one window in each room can be easily used for fire escape.

Bar the Entry

Head to the garage to check your garage door safety sensor and if you haven’t already, install a lock on your door leading into the house. Any tools should be stored in cabinets or out of reach of tiny hands— think wall storage that is hung well above the ground.

Add Bumpers

Corner and edge bumpers help prevent injuries from falls against sharp edges of furniture and fireplaces, so stick ’em on every table and desk you got, dude.

Secure Nursery Furniture

It’s time to tighten up the nursery! Move the crib away from other furniture and secure both dressers and bookshelves to the wall.

baby proofing nursery
Photo: Sara Kerens

Get Shock Proof

Outlet covers can help prevent electrical shock and possible electrocution. Make sure they are large enough so that children cannot choke on them.

With this baby proofing checklist in hand, you’re well on your way to creating a safe and secure environment for your little one to grow, explore, and thrive. Remember, baby proofing isn’t just about adding gadgets and guards— it’s about anticipating potential hazards and staying one step ahead. By implementing these practical tips from author Chris Pegula and making thoughtful adjustments throughout your home, you can enjoy greater peace of mind and focus on what truly matters— spending time creating memories with your Minis.

Excerpted from DIAPER DUDE: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Years by Chris Pegula.

Opening Image: Sara Kerens

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