If your Mini has yet to be introduced to the magical world of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hit musical Hamilton, it is high time. But that doesn’t mean they need to be old enough to head to the theater with you— they can listen to the Tony, Grammy, and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical tunes right from their crib.
The new Rockabye Baby series has collided with Hamilton to bring you eight tracks of upbeat-yet-tranquil lullaby jams. The sweeping percussion, rapid-fire rapping and soaring singing are transformed using marimbas, glockenspiels, wood blocks, and more delicate percussion to gently transport baby into Dreamland.
The track list includes Alexander Hamilton, My Shot, The Schuyler Sisters, You’ll Be Back, Helpless, Satisfied, Wait for It, and Say No to This.
Rockabye Baby has also turned the familiar sounds of Adele, Beyonce, Kanye West, Taylor Swift and even Metallica into catchy lullabies, but baby’s first foray into the world of Hamilton really couldn’t be any sweeter— or necessary.
Snag a copy of the Hamilton x Rockabye Baby lullabies here. What is your favorite Hamilton tune? Tell us below!
Add this series to your musical repertoire and then browse these 12 Kids Books with Strong Female Characters or read up on these 3 Parenting Tips from the Happiest Place on the Planet.
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